Magazine Be Beautiful

LIP MASKS with natural ingredients. LEMON AND GLYCERIN

Series "Homemade lip masks". Moisturizing lip mask with lemon and glycerin


If you suffer from extremely dry, flaky and pigmented lips, this mask will be perfect for you as the glycerin is an incredible moisturizer and the lemon in this mask is a natural brightening ingredient. Let's see how easy it is to make this amazing mask.

What you will need:

  • One teaspoon lemon juice

  • One teaspoon of glycerin

  • Mix container (Container)

Mode of application:

  • Mix lemon juice with glycerin.

  • Store in a container (you can store it in the refrigerator for up to a week).

  • Apply to clean lips with a brush or finger.

How often?

It can be used daily to treat dry lips.

How it works?

As we all know, glycerin is a great moisturizer. It helps keep your lips plump and supple. Lemon is also a great remedy and does wonders when it comes to reducing the pigmentation of the skin.


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