Magazine Be Beautiful

FACE PACKS using ordinary vegetables and fruits. CUCUMBER

Homemade face masks. Whitening mask with CUCUMBER

INNA CODRU , MAY 18, 2018

We've all heard the old saying "looks like a pickle". But have you ever wondered what makes a cucumber so special? Its 96% water content, of course! This high water content makes it a great skin moisturizer!

Cucumber also contains cucurbitacin and cucumerin, which make it great for slowing down the signs of aging. It also has all the essential antioxidants such as vitamins A, B5, C, E and K that fight various types of skin pigmentation such as dark circles, acne scars, freckles and most importantly, age spots.

In addition, cucumbers are also a source of silicon dioxide, which is important for collagen synthesis, which rejuvenates your skin.

Method number 1 :

Facial Mask - Cucumber, Aloe Vera Juice and Lemon Juice

Cucumber, aloe vera juice, and lemon juice have been found to be effective in treating age spots, acne scars, and freckles.

What you will need:

  • 1 cucumber

  • ½ teaspoon aloe vera juice

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • Blender

Mode of application:

  • Grind a cucumber with a blender, and then add aloe vera juice and lemon juice to it.

  • Apply the mask on your face and leave for half an hour.

  • Wash off with water.

How often?


Method number 2 :

Facial mask - Cucumber and yogurt

Both cucumber and yogurt reduce dark spots, hydrate skin, and give it that healthy glow you want.

What you will need:

  • 1 cucumber

  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt

  • Blender

Mode of application:

  • Blend the cucumber and yogurt in a blender until they form a thick paste.

  • Apply the paste on your face and leave it on for 40 minutes.

  • Wash off with water.

How often?

Every day.

!!! WARNING: There are currently no known contraindications for the use of cucumber, so you can use any of these homemade recipes without any hesitation.

Tips: You can make a great cucumber tonic by simply leaving slices of a whole cucumber in a quart of clean, filtered water all day long. Then, in the evening, remove the cucumber slices, pour the water into a bottle and apply it on the face with cotton pads.

...BACK TO THE TABLE (list of vegetables and fruits for masks)

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