Magazine Be Beautiful

FACE PACKS using ordinary vegetables and fruits. OIL "VITAMIN E"

Homemade face masks. Whitening Mask with Vitamin E Oil

INNA CODRU , MAY 18, 2018

Many dermatologists have noted the benefits of vitamin E oil for skin discoloration problems, especially age spots. That is why it is one of the vital ingredients used in many skin care products.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that targets free radicals that are responsible for premature aging and skin discoloration. It also helps repair damaged cells. In addition, vitamin E oil does not need to be mixed with other ingredients to make it more effective when applied directly to the skin. Hence, it is a convenient and economical option for pigment spot removal.

Method number 1 :

Face Mask - Vitamin E Oil Bottle

What you will need:

  • 1 bottle of vitamin E oil

Mode of application:

  • Apply a few drops of vitamin E oil directly to the spots and rub them into the skin with gentle movements.

How often?

Daily before bed


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Method number 2 :

Face mask - Capsules with vitamin E

What you will need:

  • 1 vitamin E capsule

  • Needle or thin awl

Mode of application:

  • Make a small hole in the vitamin E capsule with a needle or awl.

  • Squeeze the oil from the capsule onto your fingers.

  • Apply it directly on your age spots and rub in lightly.

How often?

Daily before bed.

!!! WARNING: 1) Some people may be allergic to vitamin E oil and may get contact dermatitis if they use it. Do a patch test on your forearm before trying any of the home remedies mentioned above.

2) Since this oil is quite oily, it can lead to acne if your skin is prone to acne.

Tips: 1) Since vitamin E is used as a thick oil and it is recommended not to wash it off, it is better to apply it at night instead of a moisturizer.

2) Add vitamin E-rich foods such as almonds, peanuts, wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, and dried apricots to your diet so that this vitamin can also work from the inside out.

...BACK TO THE TABLE (list of vegetables and fruits for masks)

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