Magazine Be Beautiful

WANT TO HAVE A HEALTHY FACE? Here are 5 RULES to follow.

How to maintain and maintain a beautiful and healthy complexion.


Most of us would like to have healthy, radiant, youthful and clear skin. But with so many skin products on offer and tons of experts giving thousands of tips on how to take care of your skin, is it easy to figure out what to actually do? Just follow everything we hear? This is almost impossible, and you need to have a rubber wallet. Imagine going through all sorts of expensive skincare routines every month, applying a dozen super skincare products to your skin every morning and night. Uf-f-f-f! It's sad to even write about it.

Angela Watson Robertson, health coach and nutritionist, always advises her clients to keep things simple. This is especially important for young mothers who simply do not have time to carefully follow the cosmetic regime that they had before they became parents. And, fortunately, the truth is that much of what was listed in the first paragraph, you really do not need. You can keep things simple and enjoyable and take care of your skin at the same time. Leave the expensive procedures and intensive beauty regimen of the day for movie stars. If you just want to feel 100% and look healthy and energized while keeping to your budget, stick to the following basics to keep your skin healthy:


This may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many of us don't drink enough water or decide not to drink because we don't feel like it, we don't have time, or we don't like the taste. This is the MOST important thing you can do for your health right now, and the good news is that it's easy and inexpensive! If you want to feel better, learn to love drinking water, and of course drink clean, fresh water.

Your body is 60-70 percent water, and water is essential to survive. Check it out: start drinking at least another half liter of water every day for the next two weeks and watch your skin change for the better. I recommend that everyone drink at least one and a half to two liters of purified water every day.


Skin health is more about what we fill our stomach than what we put on our body. In other words, our diet and nutrition is very important. I recommend that you eat natural, organic foods for several reasons. And one of them is to reduce the impact of toxins on your body that enter it from poor-quality food. Organic, natural food will help with this. If your body receives toxins, then they will begin to exit through the skin, which reduces cellular metabolism (and this is necessary for healthy, beautiful skin). In addition, some foods slow down the aging process .

Of course, in a large city, finding healthy food is not always easy. I, for one, prefer not to buy ready-to-cook foods or products sealed in boxes or cans, as such products are likely to be processed or modified with various chemicals or additives. Vegetables, fruits, as well as meat and fish bought on the market or in specialized stores, of course, may also contain chemicals (unfortunately, this world is practically indispensable without them), but, nevertheless, it will be better than semi-finished products. And if you are forced to occasionally eat processed food, try to do it as little as possible.


With age, many come to the conclusion that healthy and beautiful skin is hydrated skin. Therefore, we must moisturize it daily. However, I do not recommend applying anything to the skin. Find the right daily moisturizer for you and use it regularly.

There are many organic beauty products on the market with fairly simple ingredients. It depends on your personal skin type and sensitivity level. Just read the ingredients and do some research. Another option is to use OILS .

4. Sweat More Often

Even if you eat well and avoid toxins in your food and skin care products, you are still living on planet Earth and will be exposed to toxins. Our body is miraculously designed and detoxifies in several ways, and one of the most important is sweating.

It is important to sweat frequently so that you can cleanse your skin well. Try exercising, running, walking, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and generally move more. Many women note that if they regularly practice active physical activities, then acne on the skin becomes significantly less, and body odor becomes soft, which is a great added bonus!


Even if you're on a balanced and healthy organic diet, it's likely that you're still missing some key nutrients. This is due to the deteriorating quality of the soil in our current conditions and modern farming methods. At a minimum, I recommend that you take a daily high-quality multivitamin that is high in vitamins A, C, E, D, K, B3, B5, choline, and folate (folic acid or methylfolate). All of these help in maintaining healthy skin.

Sometimes it's nice to get back to basics, right? And don't fall for any of the trendiest skin care products or supplements. Start applying these simple tips to your daily routine and you will find that your skin will thank you. On top of that, all of these tips will also improve your overall health, so know that by doing this, you are making a great investment in your future health, as well as improving the appearance of your skin .

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