How to take care of oily skin and dry skin. Care for problematic and sensitive skin. A few tips and tricks that have stood the test of time.
Beauticians often hear - I have oily skin, what should I do? Or - which cream should I choose for dry skin? Therefore, today we will talk about how to care for oily skin, how to help yourself with dry or sensitive skin. How to do all this at home. Read below for some of the tricks that work well on a particular type of facial skin.
1. Cut the tomato into thin slices and rub it on the skin, this wonderful remedy will work as a tonic for oily skin and as an excellent astringent.
2. The same can be done to reduce oiliness and shininess from the face due to oily skin type, using cold apple slices to wipe the skin of the cheeks and forehead.
3. Beat the egg and mix with chopped oatmeal. Use this mixture as a mask. It is good for oily skin, helps to remove excess oiliness.
4. Ordinary milk can be used directly as a cleanser by wiping the face with a cotton pad soaked in milk.
5. You can use a mixture of raw milk with freshly squeezed lemon juice, and also apply it with a cotton pad to cleanse your face, as lemon is great for reducing skin oiliness.
6. Drink plenty of fresh fruit juices, especially citrus and apple juices, or even raw papaya juice (if available), half a glass every two days. This will be very useful, especially if you do not forget about 8-10 glasses of water to keep the skin sufficiently hydrated and remove toxins from the body in time.
7. Add a drop of tea tree oil to your facial cleanser and wash your face with this cleanser at least 3 times a day, morning, evening and before bed.
8. Keep wet facial wipes in your purse when you leave the house, don't let dust and dirt build up on your skin.
1. You girls can use a great mashed ripe avocado and ripe banana face mask that works wonders for dry skin.
2. Peeling is important for all skin types, but it is especially necessary for dry skin types. Peeling with a soft granular exfoliating cream or even sugar granules (finely granulated) is great for removing dead skin particles from the face.
3. After exfoliation, the skin is in dire need of hydration, use your favorite nourishing cream or lotion or just plain glycerin mixed with water.
4. Sometimes, you can do deep healing nutrition of the skin of the face, if it is not hypersensitive to oils. We take a capsule with vitamin E (or 1 tsp), carefully open it and mix it with 2 tbsp. olive oil. Apply all this with a cotton swab on the face, but before using this, remember to wash your face with warm water and dry with a towel, and only then use this mixture.
5. You can also use boiled milk cream as a face mask, leaving it on the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with plain water. This works great for dry skin.
6. Not to mention 8-10 glasses of water a day and fruit juices such as ripe papaya, ripe banana and mango will be very good for you.
Your skin may suffer from dryness, but at the same time be sensitive, prone to breakouts. Or, in the case of oily skin, with frequent acne. Sensitive skin needs special, attentive and gentle care.
1. Be careful when cleaning your face, 2 times a day is good for dry skin carriers with sensitivity, but 3 times is better for oily ones.
2. Peeling should not be done every day, but 3-4 times a week with a 7-day break.
3. The peeling agent should not contain large granules.
4. Make clay masks that do not cause allergic reactions, you can add your favorite oils to the mask. In great detail, HOW TO APPLY CLAY MASKS is described in THIS ARTICLE .
5. Mint masks are also good, fresh mint leaf paste can make your skin feel like heaven, not to mention that smell that you can't help but enjoy.
6. You can also make an avocado honey mask for sensitive and dry skin.
7. Do not forget about SUN-PROTECTION before leaving the house on a sunny day (and not only).
8. Pay attention to the scalp, sometimes it can be the reason that the skin of your face has become particularly sensitive. It often happens that rashes appear on the face due to dandruff on the head. If you find yourself with dandruff, then do everything to get rid of it. For example, using COCONUT OIL would be a good option.
9. And again I repeat - drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and try to sleep at least 8-10 hours a night. GOOD SLEEP is simply necessary for the body.
10. Include fresh greens in your diet, as well as fresh vegetables, as well as seasonal fruits (apples and bananas should generally be consumed regularly), and grapes for their amazing antioxidant properties. All of these will work great for keeping your skin healthy.
11. Do not neglect multivitamins, one capsule is enough with an interval of 2-3 days or so.
So, as a RESULT - do not hesitate to seek the treatment of problem skin from GOOD specialists, especially if your skin really needs it, and your home remedies do not work. Over time, you will fix everything and skin care of any type will not be so difficult!