How to get rid of acne at home. We determine the reasons for their occurrence. We will choose for ourselves the most effective remedy for acne on the face.
When treating acne, one of the biggest challenges is finding the cause of acne. Yes, acne is often just a side effect or symptom of another problem entirely. In most cases, this problem is related to hormonal imbalance, so teenagers, pregnant women, and women who are going through menopause seem to get acne because of this problem. (It is because of this reason that acne can appear on the chin in women). And yet - blackheads are NOT a sign that you have contaminated skin!
Of course, there is the problem of oily skin that can cause acne. Your skin simply brings more oil to the surface than usual and your pores become clogged. Bacteria get a chance to multiply and you get blackheads, white heads and red pox spots all over your face and body.
So, it's time to put an end to chronic acne. There are natural and medical (chemical) ways to help improve the health of your skin, and that's all you need to know for now. We'll start with the natural and then look at some of the drugs and chemicals available.
I know how tempting it is to start popping those pimples. You see a white pimple head and all you want to do is get rid of it as soon as possible. Is it possible to pop pimples? I will answer this way - the red pockmark left in place of the eel does not look better than his white "sister". It may not be so obvious, but red, like a traffic light, can be seen from afar, right?
Plus, you're doing yourself more harm than good when you open them. This is especially important if you have chronic acne, also known as cystic acne.
Your severe acne is usually deep and you don't have many pimples that lie on the surface of the skin. You had to squeeze them out of the deep layers of the skin, so that you actually do a lot of damage to the lower layers of your dermis.
When chronic acne appears, you will develop bright red patches and it really only takes a few weeks to get rid of them properly. But by simply popping them out, you open up a wound that will most likely cause bacteria to settle in for a long time, so you increase your chances of getting a whole bunch of pimples in the long run!
In addition, bacteria can easily spread under the layers of the skin. You suddenly find that you have even more pimples around what was recently popped. All because you caused the infection to spread.
And the result of all this is more scars and scars that will last for a long time. The bottom line of all of the above - just leave your acne alone, and the whiteheads will disappear eventually. Yes, it is difficult, but you really need to try to take this step. It will be worth it in the end. I can promise you!
Just keep your hands and fingers away from your face. Under no circumstances should you squash your pimples! Then you won't make problems with them worse, as touching helps to spread bacteria.
These microorganisms will cling to your fingers and travel to other areas of your skin. Those areas where there were no blocked pores are now blocked and begin to produce colonies of bacteria.
And, it's not always bacteria from other parts of your skin! This is bacteria from the computer keyboard, and door handles, and even from your smartphone. And all of them will be on your face. And then you have to fight them all.
In fact, it's best not to touch your face with your hands at all if you really want to help him. This is another piece of advice that can be difficult to follow, as it tends to be a subconscious habit.
Try to stop yourself when you realize that your naughty hands are trying to make contact with your face, try to consciously protect your skin. At the first stage, it will be, so to speak, the best remedy for acne on the face.
If you really can't leave your face alone, try taking steps to help reduce redness and inflammation. That means it's time to use the ice.
Ice can be applied directly to acne, it will help reduce inflammation. The skin will not look red, and you will find that pain is reduced, by the way. In addition, the ice will help shrink the pores, preventing any bacteria from entering them.
Ice will also aid the healing process. Once you're done, be sure to apply a good moisturizer to your face, because ice dries out your skin because your blood vessels constrict when exposed to cold, and you don't get enough blood to treat the area.
You can put ice directly on your skin, but it's best to use a clean towel or other clean cloth to wrap the ice around. Since ice directly applied to the skin carries with it the risk of adhesion and, accordingly, micro-damage to the upper layers of the skin.
We know that our fingers shouldn't touch our skin, but what about all kinds of bedding that does? We have pillowcases, towels, clothes and scarves that are constantly in contact with those places where there are acne.
You might think that if you wash these items regularly, then everything will be fine. However, it could actually be your laundry detergent or fabric softener that is causing your skin to react badly.
The laundry may not be soft enough and you may inadvertently scratch or rip off your own. These detergents can also cause allergic irritation. And if itching appears in the lower layers of the skin, then it is not so easy to get to it. This will make the situation worse.
So if you feel itchy, consider changing your detergents and fabric softener to see if that's the problem. Itching can also occur due to washing too often, again due to the fact that some of the chemicals, after washing, remain on the laundry.
Just make these small changes consistently and within a few weeks, you will be able to determine if they help alleviate your problem.
I know this is another piece of advice that is easier said than done. If you have children, work full time, and even the work is nervous, then it is very difficult to relax. But it must be done, it is an important component in your fight against chronic acne.
In fact, if you find the right way to relax, you can successfully deal with other health problems as well. You see, stress is known as the silent killer. It raises blood pressure and puts excess pressure on every organ in your body. <.p>
Your chance of suffering from a heart attack or stroke increases dramatically. Is all that worry really worth it if you can take steps to learn how to relax properly?
To begin with, we will find a suitable way to relax at the end of the day. Do you like taking a hot bath? Maybe you just want to wrap yourself in a blanket with chamomile tea and a good book.
Soothing music and 30 minutes for myself, once a week, when there is no work, or children screaming in my ear. Often even this is enough to relieve tension.
Find something that can really relax you, and plan your week so that it is sure to be present in your life. Make it a part of your life.
Do rest and relaxation really help with chronic acne?
So we understand that the release of stress hormones by the body leads to hormonal imbalance. The skin begins to secrete more natural oil, so it becomes oily and the pores in the skin become clogged. Bacteria have more room to thrive and eventually acne becomes your constant problem.
HOWEVER, when you find a way to relax, you keep your stress hormones to a minimum. And you release happiness hormones, which means you end up reducing the oiliness of your skin and keeping it at a normal, average level. After all, natural fat secretion is essential for these natural oils to act as a barrier against external influences!
This doesn't just highlight that a lack of GOOD SLEEP causes hormonal imbalances. Lack of good sleep is a serious problem in today's world, and many of us suffer from a lack of good sleep more than we like to admit.
Find ways to improve your sleep at night. It's not about the quantity, but the quality of sleep. Some of us can easily get six hours of sleep. However, during these six hours, our body should have a real opportunity to DISCONNECT and RELAX.
If we constantly wake up or interrupt our sleep with something, then no matter how much we sleep, in the morning we will feel tired and overwhelmed.
When you have a systematic restful night's sleep, then, after some time, you will need to evaluate the results. Try to note daily for yourself whether stress has decreased or everything remains at the same level. Or perhaps some deeper problem has come to light.
Depression and constant stress can complicate what is already so difficult, and all this causes great harm to the psychological state of a person! In extreme cases, such a complex closed psychological cycle can form, in which you may even need medical help.
The great news is that as you start getting more sleep, you will find that your hormones are better balanced. You will feel happier and easier to deal with all sorts of everyday problems. You will also find it easier to switch to a balanced diet, which leads us to the next step in the fight against chronic acne!
Your body needs protein to repair and protect DNA and other elements in the body. Protein is not only essential for muscles, but also for ligaments, tendons, and for the production of collagen in your body.
Collagen is a very important ingredient. It maintains the elasticity of the skin and makes it more durable. The more collagen you have, the less likely chronic acne is to damage your skin. A good level of collagen will successfully help fight this.
So, it's time to add more protein to your diet. Think healthy foods like lean meats, legumes, and nuts.
You'll also want to focus on more vitamins and minerals, especially antioxidants. Antioxidants will help repair damaged skin cells and speed up the growth of new ones. Limit the effects of free radicals that can make acne worse!
While you're getting more protein and antioxidants, you'll also need water to support collagen. This enhanced hydration also helps skin glow with clarity by keeping pores open and free of bacteria.
Some essential oils can help clear excess bacteria, add moisture to the skin, and prevent excess oil production. In short, the oils will help keep your acne at bay.
To do this, you will need to use tea tree oil and lavender oil. The great thing is that there are different ways to use them, and on top of that, they help to relax.
These ESSENTIAL OILS contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that are incredibly beneficial to your skin, including antioxidants. Tea tree oil for acne, as practice shows, helps in 75% of cases.
Start by using them on cotton pads as part of your daily facial cleansing routine. Once you remove your everyday makeup and exfoliate your skin, move on to work with essential oils to get rid of bacteria and dirt in your pores. After that, you can already use your favorite night cream.
You can also add essential oils to other facial cleansers (you can make your own) or to your moisturizers. If you don't want to apply them directly to your skin, add a few drops to your water while taking a bath. Let them saturate your skin. In addition, the aroma of these oils helps your entire body to relax.
Some people may notice that essential oils do not clear up, but exacerbate chronic acne. This happens in people with very sensitive skin. So, if you have sensitive skin, then you will immediately notice the corresponding skin reaction to these oils. If you find irritation, then stop using them, as they will definitely not help you.
Some people have only one treatment option - medications. This treatment usually reduces the natural production of oil by the sebaceous glands to prevent clogging of the pores. <.p>
Unfortunately, the frequent use of such preparations can make your skin rough and irritated, which means that you will have to moisturize more often.
Doctors may also recommend anti-inflammatory treatments, depending on the cause of your acne. Or, acne will need to be removed professionally. Your doctor will be able to assess the severity of your acne and suggest whatever treatment they think is best. If something does not help, then he can always return to the starting point.
The benefit of this treatment is that you can use most home remedies at the same time. Plus more quality sleep means less stress. Break the habit of touching your face. All this will help reduce both the problem itself and any side effects.
The victory in the fight against chronic acne depends only on you. It is not always possible to quickly get rid of acne on the face, tune in to a fairly long struggle.
Your doctor may suggest medications, but you still need to make some lifestyle adjustments to prevent cysts and damage to the underlying layers of your skin.
Try to follow all the above steps, be consistent in this for the foreseeable future. Some of them will actually help improve your overall health, not just stop chronic acne. Your hormones will become more balanced and then any type of blackhead or pimple will disappear forever.