Natural remedies to prevent colds
If you want to prevent a cold, then you are certainly not alone. A cold can not only complicate life, but it does not decorate our face at all. Who is pleased to look at a red cold nose, watery eyes and other attributes of this disease. Since our site is about beauty, I decided to touch on the topic of preventing colds, because this disease definitely does not make us beautiful 😏. The key to this will be to learn the best and safest ways to prevent colds and then apply them to maintain good health. Today we will discuss and identify the best natural remedies for flu and cold prevention.
We also share a lot of practical tips to help you protect yourself from germs. Our comprehensive guide will include cold prevention for all ages, as well as a list of cold remedies and some tips on how to avoid it. We believe in natural cold remedies and we strive to offer tips that really work. But first, let's share some information about the common cold.
The common cold is an illness that is caused by microscopic organisms known as viruses. Do not confuse the common cold with the flu, these are different diseases, and, as you can see in the picture, the cold virus (left) and the flu virus (right) also differ in appearance. There are a couple of hundred viruses that create cold-like symptoms, and the most common one, the "attack" one, is called the rhinovirus. It causes ten to forty percent of colds and causes twenty percent of colds. The virus known as Coronavirus causes twenty percent of cases, while the virus known as Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes five percent, and another virus known as parainfluenza causes five percent of cases.
The symptoms of a cold are very different. The most common are a runny nose and nasal congestion, as well as a sore throat and cough. Some people experience body aches and mild headaches. Sneezing and catarrhal fever are also common. Often, patients report feeling unwell when they first start to get sick. You may have only a few of these symptoms, or all of them.
Some people take colds better because they are in better health, while others may suffer a lot because they are a little weaker. A person's age can also affect the poor tolerance of a cold. Older people may have a harder time with colds than younger people. However, there are no set rules. Everyone's illness can progress differently.
Now that we've covered some general information about colds, let's talk about how to prevent colds in all age groups. For children, there is a special set of tips, some of which are great for adults.
Children usually get sick when they touch objects that have been contaminated with flu viruses from a sick person. Many household surfaces and objects can carry these types of germs, including door handles, stair railings, pencils and pens, remote controls, and more. Typically, viruses that land on these surfaces remain alive for several hours or more before they die.
To protect your children from colds, make sure they wash their hands regularly. This is indeed a very effective way to kill germs, and you should encourage your children to wash their hands regularly with hot, soapy water, especially after they come in from outside or after playing at home.
In addition, to protect other children, parents should keep their children at home if they have a cold. This means that they must refrain from going to school, gardens and other public places. Also, if you have more than one child, try to keep your other children away from him or her while he or she is sick. Children can communicate, of course, but they should not share toys or get too close to each other. Although it is very difficult to keep children apart, it is still worth a try and we recommend doing so.
Also, children should be taught to close their mouths when they cough. Coughing sends cold germs into the air, but even just covering your mouth helps keep other people at risk of infection. You can lead by example in this by covering your mouth when you cough. You can also cover both your mouth and nose when you sneeze, because during a sneeze, germs fly around the infected person at a distance of up to 5 (!) meters.
For older children, teens, and adults, tips for preventing colds vary. Nevertheless, the benefits of using the tips for the child that we have listed above are obvious. This includes washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching things that might be contaminated, avoiding people if you are sick, and covering your mouth if you cough or sneeze.
Realizing these things should really bring some benefit. Because there is no vaccine for the common cold, such as the flu, prevention becomes key. While you may not be completely immune to colds, you can avoid most of them if you are more careful.
These days, there are some natural supplements that people use quite often, and some of them give good results. As with most natural supplements, results will vary. Everyone is different and everyone reacts to supplements differently.
It can be noted that many of these supplements receive very positive reviews from consumers, and they definitely help many people to prevent colds. The key to using most of these "folk" tips is "trial and error". You may need to try a few tips to find what works for you.
Zinc is an effective cold remedy. This metal is one of those micronutrients that we need to stay healthy. Many people successfully prevent and/or treat colds with zinc supplements. It reduces the symptoms of rhinovirus. However, the reasons why improvements occur in these areas are not fully understood. However, studies by scientists show that zinc reduces the duration of a cold by more than 40%.
It is possible that zinc, being an antiviral agent, inhibits the growth of viruses such as those of the common cold. If you're interested in preventing or treating a cold, then seventy milligrams of zinc per day should work well. This is the recommended dosage for adults. If you want to give zinc to children, follow the instructions on the package, as manufacturers change it depending on their percentage in each dose.
Chicken soup is a folk remedy for colds, and there is some scientific basis for its popularity as a cold remedy. A report published in the New York Times states that this tasty and soothing soup prevents neutrophils from moving. These are white blood cells that protect us from infections. Inhibition of these cell types can reduce the symptoms of upper respiratory tract colds. Naturally, this refers to domestic chicken, since it should not contain any additives of growth hormones and other chemicals that are stuffed with chickens in mass production.
Echinacea is a popular way to prevent colds. Those who believe in the power of this remedy believe that it greatly reduces the duration of colds and helps prevent them. This herbal remedy is widely available and is considered to be quite safe. Use it according to the instructions on the package, as the milligrams of the substance in a tablet or capsule may vary. You can find it in almost any pharmacy these days. While some medical experts dispute its effectiveness, others certainly believe it is worth it.
Garlic is available in grocery stores and is a well-known remedy. It is a powerful bacteria killer, also known as nature's antibiotic. If you want to use garlic, then just add it to your food, or eat it raw, you can take it in capsules or tablets. Some forms of garlic supplements are odorless. Eliminating the odor usually does not change its effectiveness, so you can safely use these supplements as well.
Ginseng is an old Chinese remedy that is obtained naturally and is famous for its ability to strengthen the immune system and maintain a person's overall health at a good level. Natural ginseng capsules and tablets are commonly available in pharmacies. In addition, you will find them in stores that sell Chinese herbs and medicines. Take ginseng, according to the conditions of use, to increase your chances of avoiding colds.
Vitamin C is an absolutely healthy source of energy, especially its ability to improve the functioning of the immune system. Some people take a lot of vitamin C during the cold season. They know it helps them stay healthy. Although it is difficult to get an overdose of vitamin C, it is better to follow certain rules for its use in accordance with the instructions on the packaging of purchased vitamins.
Chewable vitamins taste great and are more popular with children. Make sure the supplements you choose are safe for children before giving them to them. Recommended dosages usually vary based on body weight.
We hope that this short information about the best cold remedies will help you protect your health. However, a cold usually only lasts five days, so you should be able to do your best until you feel better. Now let's talk about the best ways to make a cold a little more comfortable...
Sometimes, despite all the precautions we take, we catch a cold. This means that all those great products, constant handwashing, etc., don't always work. Some particularly persistent microbes manage to find an entrance, and when they do, we will have to come to terms with this fact and continue to take care of ourselves. Our best advice is to make life easier for yourself, as much as possible. This means reduce your daily workload and rest as much as possible. Working hard is not the best way to maintain your health. You will get more stress, and stress only makes things worse.
So rest more often if you can. It is also very important to drink as much liquid as possible. Drinking water is a great option, such as bottled water or spring water. Hot herbal teas and fruit juice in moderation are also good choices. Keeping your body cells well hydrated will help you feel better and recover from illness faster.
Also, you should consider eating a good, healthy diet. Put unhealthy foods aside, even if you enjoy them very much or are easily available. Eat more fresh, healthy vegetables and fruits that your body needs. If suddenly the feeling of hunger is gone and you do not want to eat, as is usually the case, then do not worry too much. Just try to eat three small meals throughout the day.
While these natural remedies often work quite well, sometimes it's handy to have some over-the-counter medicine on hand, just in case. Many people also use natural remedies to prevent colds, and later (if they do catch a cold) they take regular cold medicines. And there are a lot of such medicines. Most of them are fairly safe when taken according to prescription directions.
It's also worth bearing in mind that over-the-counter cold remedies sometimes cause side effects. For example, some may cause a person to feel excessive anxiety (sometimes about the price of it 😃). Everyone reacts differently.
Also, try not to stress yourself too much when you feel unwell at work and have to leave early for home. Drive home early to avoid traffic, or take a taxi but don't hit the pavement with your heels. Of course, walking is a good daily exercise, but it's good in its time, and when you are sick, then extra physical activity can greatly deplete an already weakened body. You should try to save your vital energy.
If possible, relax at home and gain strength, without worrying about work and orders from the authorities, take the time to watch your favorite TV series or read a novel. With hot tea and delicious natural products (and not-so-tasty pharmaceutical preparations 😃) you will be able to get through your ailment with a high degree of comfort. Just be a little child. Pamper yourself. Don't be afraid to let other people help you if they want to. This is your time to take care of yourself.
However, the natural remedies listed above are excellent choices for preventing colds. While this article is all about prevention, you should know that a lot of what we've talked about is also great for treatment. Vitamin C and ginseng - as an option.
We hope these tips will help you prevent colds and take better care of yourself.