Magazine Be Beautiful


Contraindications for eyelash extensions


Eyelash extension is a fairly simple procedure, but requires the allocation of time and certain material costs. So that your efforts are not in vain, you should know in advance about some contraindications:


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  • Conjunctivitis . This is likely to be the most serious contraindication. The negative effect of glue on the general condition of the mucous membrane of the eye in this disease has been clinically proven.

  • Tendency to allergies . It's easy to identify - just remember if you've ever had decorative cosmetics burning, swelling or itching of the eyelids. If there is suspicion, then a trial extension of a certain number of cilia will be necessary.

  • It is not advisable to do eyelash extensions during pregnancy . At this time, the mucous membranes become especially sensitive to the effects of all kinds of irritants, so an allergic reaction of the body is likely. The same can apply to the period of menstruation (the first day).

  • Colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchial asthma and even a runny nose - all this can be a contraindication. The usual discomfort, as well as watery eyes, will cause poor adhesion of the glue to the eyelashes and, as a result, premature peeling of the eyelashes.

  • Oily skin of the face and eyelids. Not a major barrier to wearing false lashes, however it is important to understand that lash glue reacts with oils and therefore lashes on this type of skin will not last as long as on normal or dry skin.

  • Increased tearfulness.

  • Hormonal instability.

  • HIV and cancer.

  • Demodicosis or psoriasis.

  • Individual intolerance to the composition of the glue, debonder and other means used to treat eyelashes before and during the procedure.

  • In case you have very sensitive eyes and find it difficult to keep them calm during the procedure, it would be better to refrain from eyelash extensions. It’s just that the extension process itself will be long enough, and there is a high probability that with a nervous twitch, glue vapors can get under the eyelids, and this is fraught with eye irritation and redness. And in general, constantly watery eyes will cause a lot of inconvenience, both for the client and the master.

  • Contact lenses . Because of the solution used for the lenses, the lashes will only last for a very short time, and the lash glue will exacerbate eye irritation, which is quite common among contact lens wearers.

  • Reception of antibiotics / hormonal drugs.

  • Coloring eyelashes with paint less than four days before the eyelash extension procedure.

Video from Tatyana Tashuta "The main contraindications for eyelash extensions":

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