Magazine Be Beautiful


Some tips and advice on how to care for your nails at home

OCTOBER 20, 2021

Nail care is a necessary and important procedure that the fair sex needs no less than face or hair care. After all, women's hands attract the attention of men no less, the more beautiful nails can become their real decoration.

No trendy manicure will look beautiful and spectacular on nails that break, delaminate or have an unpleasant, ribbed shape. Therefore, dear girls, in order to always be fully equipped and feel confident, never forget that beautiful hands are your calling card!

Proper nail care and its features

In order for you to be always happy with your nails, care for them must be constant and daily, and these are not only cosmetic procedures. Only healthy nails can be beautiful, strong and elastic, having a smooth, shiny surface of a pinkish color, which do not exfoliate, do not break.

If the nail plate begins to deform, becomes too thin or, conversely, very thick, rough or with pits, covered with white spots or brown longitudinal grooves, turned yellow, faded - all this indicates problems in the state of the whole organism. And most often it is a lack of vitamins (A, C, E), minerals and useful elements (iron, calcium, phosphorus). Therefore, the first step towards getting healthy nails is proper nutrition.

Review your daily diet and be sure to include foods rich in vitamins:

  • Vitamins of group A (they are found in the liver, carrots, greens, vegetable oil)

  • Vitamin C (especially in citrus fruits, black currants, cabbage, especially broccoli)

  • B vitamins (eat more spinach, seaweed, sprouted wheat)

  • Trace elements (you get them with fish, seafood, cottage cheese, legumes, nuts, buckwheat porridge)

Advice! The condition of the nail plate and its color are adversely affected by bad habits, so having thrown all your strength into adjusting your diet, try to say goodbye to nicotine addiction.

Nail care at home begins, first of all, with a careful attitude to your hands. Make it a rule never to start any housework during which you come into contact with household chemicals without protective rubber gloves. Try to prevent hypothermia of the nail plate, for this, wear mittens or gloves in winter. Moisturize the skin of your hands and nails with special creams.

When doing a manicure, follow these recommendations:

  • avoid using metal files that destroy the nail surface, it is better to use a glass file

  • do not use acetone, today nail polish removers are safe for the nail structure

  • trim your nails and file them every two weeks

  • use only high-quality tools that are important to keep in a sterile condition (treat with an alcohol solution after work)

  • do not save on cosmetics by choosing varnishes, formulations and creams of dubious production, they may contain dangerous and harmful components

  • wash your hands with room temperature water

  • pay attention to the cuticle

  • file only dry nails, movements should be strictly in one direction

  • be sure to do hand massage, masks and nail baths

Special nail care at home: the best masks

Having figured out how to care for your nails at home, let's take a closer look at special care, and start with masks.

A vegetable mask, consisting of products that are always in the house, has a good effect. Grind the cabbage leaf and peeled raw potatoes in a blender, add a spoonful of sour cream to the mass. Apply the mixture on your fingers, and after 15 minutes remove it with a damp cotton pad (it is better if it is dipped in warm milk).

Mix an egg yolk with one tablespoon of honey, a spoonful of fresh lemon juice and a spoonful of linseed oil. Apply to hands and hold for half an hour, be sure to wear warm gloves.

As a mask, it is better to use a hand cream, which includes vitamins A and E by the manufacturer. You need to apply it on the nails in a thick layer and leave it overnight.

Paraffin therapy is also very effective. It is not so difficult to make such a mask: melt cosmetic paraffin, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin E there, then dip your hands into the solution several times and wrap with plastic wrap, hold for about 15 minutes. After the procedure, the handles will become soft, velvety, and the nails will become elastic.

Special care for nails at home: very simple and effective baths

Special care for nails will not be complete without baths, and of course, you need to start with the simplest and most effective of them - with sea salt. It is done simply: dissolve salt in warm water (one tablespoon per glass) and dip your hands in it for ten minutes, then blot with a towel, moisturize your skin with cream.

In equal proportions, mix chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and yarrow. Take a tablespoon of the collection, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. Then strain and place your hands in the bath for 15 minutes.

An olive oil bath with a few drops of fresh lemon juice and iodine has an excellent effect. Warm the composition a little, and then dip your fingertips into it for about fifteen minutes. After the bath, rinse your hands with warm water.

Whiten the nail plate and nourish it with fresh lemon juice.

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